參觀歷史博物館 Visiting The Hong Kong Museum of History
制服團隊戶外參觀 Outdoor Activities for Uniformed Groups
粵劇化妝生旦戲服試穿活動 The Cantonese Opera Makeup and Costume Try-on Activity
基督少年軍 379 分隊兩日一夜挑戰營 The 379th Company of the Boys' Brigade camping activity at L...
北區中小學欖球發展計劃 - 北區小學欖球比賽
小六畢業崇拜-不朽的冠冕 Graduation Ceremony for Primary 6 Students - The Imperishable Crown
基督少年軍 379 分隊立願禮 The 379th Company of the Boys' Brigade Annual Service of Dedicat...
小一體驗課(第一天) Pre-P1 Experience Class (First day)
紅十字會「急救及步操訓練」 Red Cross First Aid and Foot Drill Training
數學日活動 Maths Day
小一迎新日 Orientation Day for Primary One
榮獲「第八屆全港小學校際HIP HOP舞蹈比賽」甲級榮譽獎 Receiving the First Class Honors Award at the 8th...
四年級至六年級參觀香港科學館 Visiting the Hong Kong Science Museum
紅信好聲音 Good Voice@HHLPS
齊齊動手做紮染 Get Hands-On with Shibori Dyeing
「感恩校園生日會」 Gratitude Campus Birthday Party
小一至小六突破自我障礙賽 Overcoming Barriers Race for Primary One to Primary Six
新來港學童親子一天遊 Enriching One-day Hong Kong Tour for the New Arrival Students and the...
歷奇訓練 Adventure Training
小六獨木舟體驗活動 Kayaking Experience Activity for Primary Six