為非華語學生提供支援 NCS Support

Information for non-Chinese speaking parents


1) 中文抽離課 (兩堂寫作及一堂默書課)


1) Chinese pull-out classes (2 writing lessons and 1 dictation lesson per week)

In the two Chinese pull-out writing lessons, we narrow down the teacher-student ratio such that individuals get more support and attention from the teacher. With such arrangement, teachers are allowed to use suitable teaching strategies according to the NCS students’ needs. In the Chinese pull-out dictation lesson, the teacher arrange an adjusted curriculum which can consolidate students’ word recognition and reading skills. This is to encourage Non-Chinese Speaking students to learn Chinese, adapt to a learning language environment that mainly uses Chinese, and to integrate into mainstream Chinese classes as soon as possible.



2) After-school Chinese Enhancement Classes for NCS

The after school classes provided for NCS are divided into Homework Guidance Class and Chinese Enhancement Class. During the Homework Guidance Class, students will be assisted to complete the Chinese homework first, then will be guided to do the homework of subjects taught in Chinese, including Mathematics, General Studies, etc. During the Chinese Enhancement Class, students will learn word recognition skills, article reading and analysis, vocabulary and sentence structures, etc. Moreover, students will be given supplementary writing practices, have support in doing dictation and test revisions, etc. The aim of the class is to use different and exciting methods to build students interest towards Chinese, as well as to teach new knowledge and to strengthen the knowledge learnt in regular lessons.