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  • 四川成都歷史文化交流團(第二天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 2

四川成都歷史文化交流團(第二天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 2

日期: 19/03/2024

四川成都三星堆博物館 Sichuan Chengdu Sanxingdui Museum


As a significant project in the field of Chinese archaeology, the excavation of Sanxingdui has revealed an ancient civilization that thrived in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, particularly in the Chengdu Plain. Students have the rare opportunity to visit the Sichuan Chengdu Sanxingdui Museum and witness precious artifacts such as bronze, jade, gold, and pottery.