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  • 四川成都歷史文化交流團(第三天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 3

四川成都歷史文化交流團(第三天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 3

日期: 20/03/2024

汶川大地震紀念館 Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial Museum


At the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Memorial Museum, teachers and students witnessed the incredible spirit of earthquake resistance and disaster relief, as well as the resilience and gratitude of the people in the affected areas. They learned about how the nation overcame difficulties and rebuilt after the earthquake.

中國保護大熊貓研究中心 China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas


The students visited the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center, where they further gained knowledge about the daily lives of giant pandas. They also realized the importance of engaging in giant panda conservation efforts and understood the significance of giant pandas as cultural symbols in China.

變臉 Face Changing


The students had the opportunity to witness actors swiftly changing multiple masks, and they were truly delighted!