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  • 四川成都歷史文化交流團(第一天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 1

四川成都歷史文化交流團(第一天) Sichuan Chengdu Historical and Cultural Exchange Tour-Day 1

日期: 18/03/2024

本校六十多名師生的四川成都歷史文化交流團終於出發了! 除了與當地小學進行友好交流,亦為學生提供不同的學習經歷,加深他們對內地的歷史文化、風俗特色、城鄉建設、經濟發展、科技及自然保育等各方面的認識。

Over sixty teachers and students finally commenced! In addition to fostering friendly exchanges with local primary school, the tour aims to provide our students with diverse learning experiences, deepening their understanding of the historical culture, customs, urban and rural development, economic progress, technology, and nature conservation in mainland China.